Discussion Starters
April 2023

No God Like You

A Study in 1 Kings

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What type of ruler was King David? In what ways did he honor or dishonor God?

What was the long-term consequence of Solomon’s choices in alliances and in wives? Why was this a problem for his future as king?

Why did Solomon build the temple? What did his dedication in 1 Kings 8:22–61 reveal about God’s character?

Why did God make rules for His people when He knew they would disobey?

What does the Queen of Sheba’s visit reveal about Solomon? What do we learn through her observations?

Why would God punish a king (Solomon) who He had previously blessed?

What are you afraid of that is causing you to secure your life in a way that dishonors God?

Rehoboam made a terrible choice. What should he have done instead? Why didn’t he do that?

King Asa decided to manipulate his situation to produce the best results. That doesn’t seem wrong on the surface. Why was that not the best option as a follower of God?

What can we learn from the long chain of sin, instability and chaos that seemed to plague God’s people?

Why do you think God’s people gave in and worshipped Baal? How does their situation apply to our culture today? What do we give in to as believers, and why?

God steps into Elijah’s life in miraculous ways. What does Elijah learn through these situations? What does he struggle to understand?

Living in a post-biblical culture may make us fearful or nervous. What is 1 Kings teaching you about how to respond to the culture around us?

What is your reaction to the stand-off between Elijah and the prophets of Baal? Consider what the crowd was thinking after this happened! How do you think Elijah felt before and after the event?

How do the lessons in 1 Kings contradict our modern-day views that, “You can believe whatever you want”? Why is that not the case for the believer?

What have you learned about God through this study of 1 Kings? Has it changed your perception of Him in any way?