Today in the Word Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional
Guard Against the World
Proverbs 1:10–19|Thursday, February 6, 2025
When I was young, while fishing with my father and grandfather, I hooked a large muskie. My little fishing pole bent under the strain, but I managed to reel it in close to our boat.
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A daily devotional Bible study brought to you from Moody Bible Institute.

Author Video
A Conversation with This Month's Author
Bradley Baurain is Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute.

The Truth About Temptation
Brad Baurain
Monthly Study
Today with the President
The Power to Say No
For years I’ve mentored young men, ages 17–24, and we would often spend a long time on the topics of temptation and lust. I would tell them that sexual desire itself is a good thing, a God thing. But when we misuse, abuse, or distort that desire, it has devastating effects.
Practical Theology
Fighting Temptation
Many Christians think willpower is the key to overcoming temptation. They believe that all we need to do is to try harder. In Romans 6, the apostle Paul reveals a different strategy. He shows us how to fight temptation with truth. One reason we yield to temptation may be that we do not understand the change that has occurred from being in Christ. As a result, we respond to sin as if its power still enslaves us. Our instinct to rely on our own strength is a kind of muscle memory in the spiritual realm.
Discussion Starters
The Truth About Temptation
In what specific area(s) do you struggle with temptation? As you begin this study, commit that struggle to God in prayer.
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