Daily DevotionalMay 16, 2023

Daily Devotional | A Chain of Sin

1 Kings 15:25–16:20

We would like to think that we learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately, we often repeat them again and again. In 1 Kings, we witness a generational chain of sin where no one seemed to learn from failures.

In chapter 15, after the story of Asa, our attention is directed back to the Kingdom of Israel. Jeroboam’s son, Nadab, had risen to the throne, but he was wicked, following the practices of his father and leading Israel astray (v. 25). As a result, Baasha, from Issachar, assassinated him and his entire household. This was God’s judgment for erecting the golden calves (12:28).

Baasha, who replaced Nadab, was wicked as well, and God condemned him for squandering the opportunity and leading like Jeroboam (15:33–34). The king led the people to sin (16:2). For this, Baasha’s entire line would be extinguished. This might seem especially harsh, but leaders have a critical role to play in the lives of their followers. Those who lead others to violate the first commandment are to be held accountable.

But the problems didn’t stop there! Baasha’s son, Elah, would reign two years (v. 8) before he too was assassinated by Zimri who went on to destroy Baasha’s entire line. Eventually, Zimri was assassinated by Omri, after reigning for just seven days (v. 15). With Zimri dead, half of the nation followed Tibni while the rest followed Omri. Eventually, Tibni was killed and Omri was crowned king. He would rule for 12 years.

What should we learn from this period of instability and chaos? First, we see the far-reaching consequence of Jeroboam’s sins. The decision to turn from the Lord led to complete chaos. But we must remember that while God was disciplining them, He had not abandoned them.

>> Are you experiencing chaos? Ask God to reveal to you any sin that needs confessing. Once you are right with God, lean on His promised faithfulness and know that He is with you, even in times of confusion. We have a righteous leader in King Jesus.

Go Deeper

What can we learn from the long chain of sin, instability and chaos that seemed to plague God’s people?

Pray with Us

You are always gracious to forgive us when we repent. Therefore, we ask You to convict us of our wrongdoing. We confess our sins to You openly, asking You to forgive us and to strengthen us to resist sin in future.

He did evil in the eyes of the LORD.1 Kings 15:26

About the Author

Steven H. Sanchez

Dr. Steven H. Sanchez is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute. His specific areas of study include the Israelite monarchy, the Pentateuch, the Second Temple period, and biblical archeology.

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