Discussion Starters
February 2021

Building Blocks of Faith

A Study of Romans

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Do you ever feel nervous about sharing the gospel with others? What makes you feel afraid?Why wasn't Paul ashamed of the gospel? Describe some reasons we may feel pressured to act ashamed of the gospel today. How can we resolve to be unashamed, like Paul?

If it is not possible to be saved by keeping the law of Moses, why did God give us the law?

How does the "hope of the glory of God" help us when we are going through suffering?

What is wrong with a Christian saying, "It doesn't matter if I sin, it's all under grace anyway?"

Why do those of us who are in Christ continue to struggle with sin?

What is the "law of the Spirit of life" and how does it enable believers to experience victory over sin?

What does it mean to "offer your body as a living sacrifice?" Describe some ways you can be a living sacrifice to God.

Do I need to agree with the governing authorities in order to submit to them? Why or why not? What does submission look like in terms of government?

Christians sometimes have different convictions about what is acceptable Christian practice. What are some of those practices that invite disagreement. How should we handle these disagreements?