Discussion Starters
December 2023

The Light Shines | Discussion Starters

The Gospel of John

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How do the qualities of light show us more about who Jesus is?

Why is it so important that Jesus “made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14)? What does this show us about God?

Imagine you were a guest at the wedding in Cana. What would you have thought about this miracle? What would you have thought about Jesus?

What do you have a “zeal” for? What does it mean to have a zeal for God’s house? Are there ways that our zeal can increase?

Sometimes we sense the Holy Spirit prompting us to start a faith-based conversation with someone. What can we learn from the way Jesus interacted with the Samaritan woman?

What do you know about the father in John 4? Why did he seek out Jesus? What was he expecting? Why do you think Jesus honored the man’s request the way He did?

Jesus asked the lame man, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6). Why do you think Jesus asked that question? What was He pointing out in that man’s life?

Jesus was not just a baby in a manger, although that is our focus at Christmas. He claimed to be much more. Why did the Jewish leaders feel threatened by Jesus?

Jesus is called the “living water” (John 7). Consider this important comparison between Jesus and water. What does this word-picture teach us about Him?

Jesus also called Himself “the light of the world” (John 8:12). What blocked the religious leaders from seeing Him this way? What blocks people today from acknowledging Him as the “light of the world”?

Why did Jesus allow Lazarus to die? Weren’t they good friends? What was Jesus teaching by His actions?

Mary’s actions, anointing Jesus’ feet with costly perfume, seems extravagant and almost reckless. What were her motivations? What was Jesus’ response?

When Jesus knelt and washed the dirty feet of the disciples, they were uncomfortable. What would have been your reaction? What was Jesus teaching them (and us) through His act of service?

Jesus makes a bold claim in John 14:6. How does this fit into our current cultural beliefs that lean hard into acceptance of all views as equally right?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit? Why was Jesus unable to tell His disciples everything they would need to know?

Even though they had met Jesus face-to-face, the disciples struggled with belief (John 20). What can we learn from their struggles? What can we do when we struggle with unbelief?