God with Us: The Gospel of Matthew.
Monthly Study
June 2024

God with Us

The Gospel of Matthew

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).—Matthew 1:23

We usually hear this verse quoted during the Christmas season, but the opening chapter of Matthew reveals a key theme that is valuable for us at all times throughout the year. The Gospel of Matthew begins by introducing us to the “with-us” Jesus (1:23) and concludes with the same emphasis when Jesus told the disciples: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (28:20). See how the theme of God’s presence is revealed in every chapter of this Gospel and how this precious truth can motivate us to live as modern-day disciples of Jesus. It is my prayer that through this study we will:

  • Praise God that His presence is always with us, even in tough times
  • Be encouraged by the different ways God’s presence manifests itself
  • Be motivated to live out His presence in our everyday lives

Your devotional author,
James F. Coakley

Volume 37Edition 6
Managing Editor: Jamie Janosz, Senior Editor: Elena Mafter, Contributing Editor: John Koessler, Writer: James Coakley, Art Director: Lynn Gabalec, Graphic Designer: Rachel Hutcheson, Marketing: JD Hamby, Production: Rhonda AuYeung

About the Author

Jim Coakley

Dr. Jim Coakley is professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute.

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Devotional Calendar


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Immanuel: “God With Us”
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A Guiding Star
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God’s Transforming Presence
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June 4, 2024
God’s Presence in Temptation
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June 5, 2024
God’s Presence in a Dark World
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God’s Secret Presence
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God’s Presence in Our Foundation
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June 8, 2024
Healing in His Presence
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Hope in His Presence
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Sent Out with His Presence
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Rest in His Presence
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His Presence Drives Away Darkness
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Seeds of His Presence
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His Presence in a Storm
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His Presence in Our Hearts
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God’s Presence in Discipleship
Mountain climbers, when tackling a difficult steep ascent, must leave behind unnecessary weight and fix their eyes on the right route to reach the summit.
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Transfigured by His Presence
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God’s Presence in Restoration
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The Embrace of His Presence
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Living Like the Servant King
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Living in the Presence of a Just God
Passion Week chronicles the last eight days of Jesus’ earthly life from His arrival in Jerusalem to His death on the cross. The last quarter of the book of Matthew focuses on this important period of our Savior’s life. Jesus had been making His way to Jerusalem, and in Matthew 21 He had finally arrived (v. 1).
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Eternity in His Presence
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God’s Yearning Presence
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God’s Presence in Watchfulness
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God’s Presence in Serving Others
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Sharing His Presence
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God’s Presence at the Cross
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His Presence at the Resurrection
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Assurance of God’s Presence
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