Q & A

A friend of mine says that I seem depressed. How do I know if she's right?


Recently I viewed a video clip of my church service from the early part of 2020, before the pandemic. I noticed how individuals in the church sanctuary were singing, laughing, hugging, raising hands, and standing shoulder to shoulder. They were enjoying a time of worship and praise. Fast forward to the end of 2020. I drove past my church and noticed a nearly empty parking lot. I was flooded with memories and a sudden wave of sadness, emptiness, fatigue, and loss.

That’s how quickly depression can occur. It arises from a variety of circumstances and can disrupt four key areas of our life: our body (sleep disturbance, low energy, no appetite), our mind (poor memory, inability to concentrate), our emotions (hopelessness, sadness), and our relationships. Depression is a common mental disorder that affects both our minds and our bodies. Globally, an estimated 264 million people are affected by depression. God has created us in wonderful and complex ways. He created our “inmost being” with emotions, feelings, thoughts, and senses (Ps. 139:13–17). All of these beautiful parts are designed to function together in a certain way. However, just as we can become physically ill, we can also suffer from mental illness. Depression acts as an alarm signal to let us know a part of the body is not functioning as intended. It can be a sign that we need help.

About the Author

Valencia Wiggins

Dr. Valencia Wiggins, PhD, L.P.C. has taught at Moody Seminary for four years. In addition, she works in private practice as a clinical psychologist.

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