Monthly Study
December 2023

The Light Shines

The Gospel of John

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.—John 1:5

During the Christmas season, we usually turn our attention to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Both describe the birth of Jesus. But what might get unintentionally nudged to the side is the fact that this was no ordinary Child; Jesus was God Himself.

My prayer is that we will better understand that Jesus is God Who came to make Himself known among His creation. May we fall more deeply in love with Who He is and what He has done. As we read John’s Gospel, we will:

  • Understand what Scripture says about the uniqueness of Jesus
  • Reflect upon the metaphors used to describe Jesus and His work
  • Reaffirm our own commitment to trust and worship Jesus

Your devotional author,
Eric W. Moore

Volume 36Edition 12
Managing Editor: Jamie Janosz, Senior Editor: Elena Mafter, Contributing Editor: John Koessler, Writer: Eric Moore, Art Director: Lynn Gabalec, Graphic Designer: Rachel Hutcheson, Marketing & Production: Paul B. Currie

About the Author

Eric Moore

Dr. Eric W. Moore is Professor and Chair of the Applied Theology Field at Moody Theological Seminary.

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Devotional Calendar


00:00 / 00:00
The Light of Men
According to NASA, roughly 68 percent of the universe is made of dark energy and 27 percent is made of dark matter.
December 1, 2023
The Word Became Flesh
Our church has had the wonderful opportunity to partner with a missionary couple who has been working for years among a nomadic tribe.
December 2, 2023
The Lamb of God
Not knowing much about farm animals, I once asked someone if there was a difference between a sheep and a lamb.
December 3, 2023
The Heavens Open
In the summer of 2023 there were several days in the Midwest and on the East Coast of the United States when the air was filled with smoke from fires in Canada.
December 4, 2023
Water to Wine
A couple of years ago, our oldest daughter got married. My wife, our son, our youngest daughter, and I were all part of the wedding.
December 5, 2023
Zeal for God’s House
While in middle school, my son discovered bowling and fell in love with the sport. For several years life consisted of bowling leagues, bowling lessons,...
December 6, 2023
A Mystery for the Teacher
Recently someone I know asked my opinion on a Christian organization that had run into some controversy.
December 7, 2023
Meeting at the Well
Thirst is the way our brain alerts us that our body is getting dehydrated. When our body craves fluid, our throat and mouth get dry, we get dizzy, tired, or lightheaded.
December 8, 2023
A Theological Dialogue
One Sunday after worship service I began a conversation with a family that was visiting our church for the first time.
December 9, 2023
A Ripe Harvest
The state of Michigan is the largest producer of cherries in the United States. During the cherry season, the orchard trees are overflowing...
December 10, 2023
A Desperate Father
I coached a youth baseball team for the purpose of spending time with my son. During a practice session one of the kids threw a ball when my son wasn’t looking,...
December 11, 2023
A Penetrating Question
Once when I was stopped at a traffic light, a man came up to the car window and asked for money. I reached into my pocket and handed him a few bills.
December 12, 2023
God’s Son
When I was working as an engineer, my company developed a product that relied upon a technology named Bluetooth that connected different devices. Curious about this strange name, I learned that Harald Bluetooth was a Danish king who converted his people to Christianity and united (or connected) the tribes of Denmark. Unfortunately, his son rejected Christianity and overthrew him.
December 13, 2023
The Bread of Life
“My wife is a great cook!” I imagine that most husbands say this about their wife’s cooking, but I really mean it. Every now and then, she will try a new recipe and the meal is delicious.
December 14, 2023
The Living Water
On a recent vacation, my wife and I had the opportunity to travel to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The house where we stayed was on the beach.
December 15, 2023
The Light of the World
At the end of a two-week mission trip to Uganda, our team spent a day and a night on an island. As we traveled across the lake, it was evident that we were in a rural location that had no electricity.
December 16, 2023
Born Blind
When I was a child, I used to be afraid of my aunt. It wasn’t because she was mean. She was very nice. It was because she was born blind and could not look directly at me.
December 17, 2023
The Good Shepherd
Author Phillip Keller wrote, “Sheep are notorious creatures of habit. If left to themselves, they will follow the same trails until they become ruts;...
December 18, 2023
Lazarus Is Dead
Death is like an unwelcome visitor who enters without being invited, interrupts without pardon, takes without asking, and leaves without remorse.
December 19, 2023
The Resurrection and the Life
Earlier this year, I received an invitation to attend a high-school class reunion. Most of my old classmates are still alive. However, a few have died, and I’ve often wondered if I will see them again.
December 20, 2023
Anointed with Perfume
Many people, when asked their opinion on which of our five senses is least important, name our sense of smell. But smells are important!
December 21, 2023
The King of Israel
The coronation of a new monarch in the United Kingdom has always been an impressive event. Crowds gather to catch a glimpse of the joyous occasion,...
December 22, 2023
Beyond a Single Kernel
Although I grew up in a city, my mom always had a vegetable garden. Each spring she would purchase plants at the farmer’s market to transfer to our backyard.
December 23, 2023
Washing the Disciples’ Feet
My wife and I were invited by a friend to a three-day retreat for pastors. The free activities, lodging, and eating took place in a large private residence...
December 24, 2023
Jesus Is the Way
The seminary I attended was approximately 18 hours from my home. Going home for a weekend was unthinkable. Instead, I would drive five hours to my grandparents’ home.
December 25, 2023
The True Vine
At the end of each growing season, I used to make a compost out of vegetable and fruit peels along with leaves and grass clippings.
December 26, 2023
The Counselor and Spirit of Truth
Years ago, I received a summons for jury duty. After arriving at the courthouse, I was chosen to be one of twelve jurors for a trial.
December 27, 2023
Jesus’ Prayer
Anybody who has played organized team sports has probably heard a proverb along the lines of “the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.”
December 28, 2023
Finishing Well
In June 2023, ultra-marathon runner, Courtney Dauwalter set a woman’s record finishing the Western States 100-mile race in 15 hours, 29 minutes, and 34 seconds.
December 29, 2023
To Believe or Not to Believe
According to the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, earlier this year researchers were surprised to discover new underwater species in the Ha Long Bay of Vietnam.
December 30, 2023
Following Jesus
Each year the Tour de France is broadcast on television. Most non-cyclists, like me, look for the person wearing the yellow jersey, understanding that this is the overall leader.
December 31, 2023

Grow with Moody