Daily DevotionalMay 3, 2024

Daily Devotional | “Song of the Sea”

Exodus 15:1–18
“Song of the Sea”
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It has been said that if you want to learn how to pray, study the prayers in Scripture. Similarly, if we want to learn how to sing in worship, we can meditate on the songs of Scripture.

Dr. James Coakley, a professor at Moody Bible Institute, outlines four songs in the Pentateuch that follow a similar pattern. In each song, a central character calls an audience and proclaims a message of salvation. In Exodus 15, that central character is Moses, who leads the Israelites in singing to the Lord a message of salvation (v. 1). And although we are to give God praise in any circumstances, it is right to sing because He has saved us through Jesus. It is in the songs of the Pentateuch and throughout the Word that we see Christ and His salvation at the center. Notice that “LORD” is repeated in the first several verses of Exodus 15, “for He has become my salvation” (v. 2).

While these songs of the Pentateuch point to the Messiah, Coakley explains that these songs also point to our future hope. The end of this song points to Christ’s future millennial reign when He will bring those He saves and plant them on the mountain of our inheritance, the place He has made for His dwelling when His kingdom will be established on earth (v. 17). Indeed, we have a “delightful inheritance” (Ps. 16:6)!

It all points to Jesus the Messiah, our Savior and King—who He is, what He has done, and what He will do when He returns to judge and reign on earth, for the “LORD reigns for ever and ever” (v. 18). May our songs reflect and follow this Pentateuchal pattern, and may we believe in His present and future promises in our songs of praise.

Go Deeper

What does the “Song of the Sea” teach us about singing in worship? What are some of the reasons we should sing to the Lord?

Pray with Us

From the songs of the five books of Moses in today’s study to Christian hymns to modern church music—“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD” (Ps. 150:6). Nothing can silence the music of worship and praise!

Then they believed his promises and sang his praise.Psalm 106:12

About the Author

Brian Lee

Dr. Brian Lee is a professor of Music at Moody Bible Institute. He serves in music ministry at Maranatha Bible Church in Chicago and is an active classical pianist as a soloist and chamber musician.

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