Daily DevotionalMay 21, 2024

Daily Devotional | A Night Song

Acts 16:16–40
A Night Song
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There is no musical instrument like the human voice. Scientists still grapple with fully comprehending the physiology of the human body. Indeed, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14). The human voice goes with us wherever we are and is not bound by transport or location like other instruments.

One night in a city called Philippi, Paul and Silas made musical sounds in a prison cell because they had their voices. But this was no ordinary music: They sang “hymns to God” (Acts 16:25). Paul and Silas sang to the Lord even after they had been stripped, beaten, and “severely flogged” (vv. 22–23). What a testimony of faith for us today to praise the Lord in any location or circumstance!

But while Paul and Silas were side by side both in ministry and in suffering, the Bible tells us once again that true praise is always side by side with prayer. We are told that Paul and Silas were singing and praying about midnight in prison (v. 25). And it was on the way to a prayer meeting that they had been beaten and arrested (v. 16). God not only calls us to praise Him in times of trouble, but it is in seeking prayer and full dependency on Him that He gives us a true heart of praise and worship even in the midst of hardships, let alone delivering us out of any trial.

And deliver God did! After a sudden earthquake and chains being loosed (v. 26), God did even more— He worked out salvation for the jailer and his household (vv. 31–34). Even more, Paul received an apology from the Roman officials (v. 39). True prayer and praise can be a witness to those around us. As God’s love leads us by day, may His night song be “a prayer to the God of my life” (Ps. 42:8).

Go Deeper

How did God work during Paul’s hardship? What can we learn from the apostle about walking through times of suffering?

Pray with Us

Father, aid us in pursuing joyful worship and prayer even during trials and suffering, described in Acts 16. This story of miraculous deliverance from jail inspires us to trust You and sing to You no matter what.

By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.Psalm 42:8

About the Author

Brian Lee

Dr. Brian Lee is a professor of Music at Moody Bible Institute. He serves in music ministry at Maranatha Bible Church in Chicago and is an active classical pianist as a soloist and chamber musician.

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