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As Abraham’s life comes to an end, we may feel disappointed...there is much we do not know and much left unfinished. When we meet Abraham in Genesis 12, he was already 75 years old. We learned about his life from ages 75 to 99. Then, four chapters are devoted to one year of his life: the year Isaac was born. The last three chapters cover an additional 75 years in which we are given minimal detail. What does all this tell us?
From a human perspective, Abraham was somewhat ordinary. He was the head of a small household that lived nomadically around Canaan. He was surely one of many who lived in a similar way. He did not become a king or major political figure. He did not create any monuments or build any large structures. Yet, he was devoted to the Lord. In turn, God made big promises to Abraham. God’s call of Abraham and the promise bestowed upon Isaac are key elements. Abraham’s pivotal years were spent living as if those promises would come true. Even by the end of his life, he saw just the beginnings of their fulfillment.
Genesis 25 describes Abraham’s death and burial. After the birth of Isaac, he had six more sons through his wife Keturah (vv. 1–2). He would send each son off with gifts, but he would not make them co-heirs with Isaac in accordance with God’s direction (vv. 5–6). At his death, Isaac and Ishmael came together to mourn their father (v. 9).
Today, we know that Abraham’s story played an important role in God’s redemptive plan. The promises God made to Abraham and his descendants would come true and ultimately be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus. As for us, we are only halfway through the book of Genesis. We’ll learn more when we study Part Two later this year.
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What stories in Genesis have left the biggest impact on you? What are your key takeaways from this study?
Lord, You are the Almighty Master of the entire universe, and yet You see each one of us individually and care for us intimately. Thank You for Your amazing grace and unstoppable love! Amen.