Today with the President
July 1, 2022

Are You Listening?

“There are times when, like a teenager wearing headphones, we fail to hear our God’s voice. We are so consumed and distracted by the world around us that we fail to pay attention to what He is saying.”

When my son Grant was a teenager, I would call upstairs to let him know dinner was ready only to be met with silence. “Grant, dinner is ready,” I would call. No answer. I would try again, louder, “Grant, it’s time for dinner.” When he still didn’t reply, I would bang on his bedroom door, “Grant, we’re sitting down to eat!” Finally, I got his attention. “Did you call me?” he asked. Then I saw the problem. Grant was wearing headphones; he hadn’t even heard my voice.

There are times when, like a teenager wearing headphones, we fail to hear God’s voice. We are so consumed and distracted by the world around us that we fail to pay attention to what He is saying. This month, we are studying Proverbs, an Old Testament book filled with wise advice. Wisdom is not a product of our own intelligence. Wisdom is given by God. God gifted King Solomon with “wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore” (1 Kings 4:29). Proverbs 2:6 tells us, “The Lord gives wisdom.” We gain wisdom when we listen to God’s voice. This wisdom brings great reward: “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold” (Prov. 3:13–14).

How do we listen well in a world filled with noise and distraction?

  • Find a Quiet Space. I’m a morning person, so before anyone else wakes in my household I spend quiet moments with God.
  • Spend Time in God’s Word. God speaks clearly and most powerfully through His revealed Word known as Scripture. Ask: Lord, what are you saying to me? Is there anything You want me to do?
  • Keep a Journal. Since age 17, I have kept a journal as a record of what God is teaching me.
  • Connect through Prayer. Through prayer, I connect with my heavenly Father. Prayer allows me to be still and listen for God’s voice.

We gain wisdom when we prioritize time with God. As we grow in wisdom, our priorities shift and align with His. Lord, keep our ears open and our hearts teachable. Grant us wisdom as we seek You.

About the Author

Mark Jobe

Dr. Mark Jobe is the president of Moody Bible Institute. He has served as the lead pastor of New Life Community Church, one church that meets at 27 locations.

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