Daily DevotionalApril 30, 2022

Daily Devotional | Lessons Learned

Jeremiah 52:1–11

Baruch was a faithful friend of Jeremiah, as well as his scribe. He was the secretary who wrote down his prophecies, often putting his own life at risk! He even received his own individual prophecy from the Lord, in which God promised him that his life would be preserved (Jer. 45).

Baruch was likely the person who wrote Jeremiah chapter 52, since the end of chapter 51 explicitly says, “The words of Jeremiah end here” (51:64). This appendix again recounts the fall of Jerusalem because it was such a significant event in the nation’s history as well as in Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry (see April 22). Parts of this account are nearly identical to the one found in 2 Kings 24–25.

The spiritual reason for the fall of Jerusalem is found near the beginning of today’s reading: “It was because of the LORD’s anger [at their sin] that all this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end he thrust them from his presence” (v. 3).

Why does this book end on such a tragic note? First, because of its historical and prophetic significance. Second, all that Jeremiah had foretold about the fall of Jerusalem came true. So, everything the prophet said about restoration and return would come true as well. This was both a vindication and an encouragement!

This narrative helps us reflect on some key points from our study. First, God is sovereign over all nations. Second, God hates sin and will punish it. Idolatry and injustice are particularly reprehensible sins. Presuming upon God is prideful. Third, God’s people don’t always respond rightly to God’s Word. Truth and experience won’t necessarily change people’s minds. We’ve learned that serving God can be hard. And finally, God wants us to value Him above all else!

>> Perhaps taking your cue from the paragraph above, take some extra time today to write in your journal about what you learned this month from the book of Jeremiah.

Extended reading: Jeremiah 52

Go Deeper

Based on this month's study, how would you describe the ministry of an Old Testament prophet?

Pray with Us

“Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and nothing I desire compares with You” (Lynn Deshazo). Everything we surrender is worth knowing You.

My eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD.Psalm 141:8

About the Author

Brad Baurain

Bradley Baurain is Associate Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute.

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