Discussion Starters
September 2022

Right and Wrong

What the Bible Says About Sin and Righteousness

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Do you feel troubled by your sin? Why or why not?

Why do you think it is easier to spot when someone else has sinned than it is to recognize our own?

If God's law reveals what righteousness looks like, why can't it make us righteous?

What do you think Paul means in Romans 6:11 when he says that we should "count ourselves to be dead to sin?" How do we do this? 

We sometimes say that Christianity is not a matter of dos and don'ts. What do we mean by this? How should we understand the lists of commands we find in the New Testament?

In Philippians 3:10, Paul speaks of his desire to "know" Christ. What do you think he means by this? How do we "know" Christ?

Many people think of freedom as the liberty to do as they please. How does the Bible's view of freedom differ from this?

What are some of the ways you deal with temptation? What advice would you give to another believer who was struggling with temptation?

How would you describe someone who was spiritually mature? What are the most important marks of spiritual maturity?

How should we approach a fellow believer who has been overtaken by a sin?

What are the most important lessons you have learned about sin and righteousness from this study?