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Daily Devotional | The Fellowship of Believers Daily Devotional | The Fellowship of Believers

Daily Devotional | The Fellowship of Believers


Some things are better when shared: a funny joke, a large piece of cheesecake, popcorn. But other times, sharing can get you in trouble. For instance, sharing your political views with a coworker or giving advice to your teenager could lead to a heated exchange. However, the very first group of Christians were committed to the concept of sharing with one another. In fact, this was one of the main things that set them apart in their dog-eat-dog world.

In our text today, Luke records that after the coming of the Holy Spirit and Peter’s powerful sermon, the newly planted 3,000+ member church devoted themselves to God and one another. The Greek word for fellowship (v. 42) carries the idea to “share in something.” For the early believers, this fellowship was incredibly special. They were to look outside of their individual needs and find ways to share and serve one another. The text says they “devoted” themselves to the apostles’ teaching and this fellowship. In other words, they continually and consistently had open minds and giving hands as they learned from the apostles and shared with one another.

Day after day they ate together, learned together, helped each other financially, gave to one another, and worshiped together. They put the needs of one another above their own. They became one big sharing family. I’m sure they had differences, but they shared a commitment to the Lord and one another. Christians today share the belief that Jesus died and rose again. We share a love and desire for God. We share the same mission to live and give the gospel to our neighbors. We also share one another’s struggles, commitments, needs, and pains. This fellowship should be what sets us apart in our world too.

>> What does fellowship mean to you and your church? Have you considered what you can share with your church? It could be your time, your service, your resources, or your wisdom.

Pray with Us

Lord, You have gifted us each in unique ways. We want to share our gifts with the church. As we speak to the leaders of our local bodies, open doors for us to use our gifts to help and encourage other believers.

BY Dr. Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini believes “the Bible is still relevant, leadership is essential, and the church’s best days are still ahead.” Chris is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, the University of Edinburgh, and Gonzaga University. He served as Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. Chris and his wife, Ashley, and their children now reside in North Carolina.

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