Q & A

I have neighbors who are dressing their young male child like a girl. They claim they're letting him choose an identity. Until just a few months ago, he dressed like a boy. Now he comes out in a frilly dress with bows in his hair. This is very painful for me to watch, and I have found myself avoiding them. What should a Christian do in this situation?


As an urban dweller with similar situations around me, I understand your internal conflict. As noted in the question above, we are right to see what violates God’s design for human beings as wrong and to be saddened by the choices these parents have made for their child. Even so, we are placed in this world at a certain time of history, a time when what we see around us does not match up with what God designed.

It is not easy to live in this conflicted state. But, as I read Scripture and talk with other Christians, I see how the Lord wants us to live in this reality. We are commanded clearly to love our neighbor. This doesn’t mean we like or approve of their behavior. As Matthew 22:37–39 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Notice that the command to love our neighbors is second, proceeding from the depth of our love for God. The love for our neighbor is the overflow of our love for God. As you interact with this young couple and their child, show them your warmth and find practical ways to give to them, be hospitable in spirit, and always kind.

About the Author

Rosalie de Rosset

Dr. Rosalie de Rosset has been teaching at Moody Bible Institute in the Communications Department for over five decades.

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