Daily DevotionalJune 5, 2021

Daily Devotional | Our Waymaker

Psalm 77

What do we do when the way forward looks hopeless and confusing? How do we take the next step Who will lead us? Again and again in Scripture, we see that God provides a way. It took ten terrible plagues, but Pharaoh finally decided to let Israel go free. But, shortly after making this decision, Pharaoh pursued them with the might of the Egyptian army. In the meantime, God had led Israel in a rather unusual direction. Instead of taking them directly to the Promised Land, they went south to the Red Sea (Ex. 14:2). There they found themselves stuck with the sea in front and the Egyptian army behind. There was nowhere to turn.

In this seemingly hopeless situation, God demonstrated His power dramatically. He held the Egyptians back and parted the sea so Israel could continue their journey (Ex. 14–15). God made a way where there was no way. The memory of this mighty act of God is what brought the author of Psalm 77 out of despair. The Psalmist was in a distress; he could not sleep, and his thoughts troubled him (vv. 1–6). He understood that Israel deserved God’s judgment, but worried that it might be forever (v. 7). He wondered if God would forget to be merciful and compassionate to His wayward people (vv. 8–9).

To rouse himself out of this dark place, the Psalmist resolved to “remember the deeds of the Lord” (vv. 11–12). Specifically, he remembered how God had lead Israel in the exodus: “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters though your footprints were not seen” (v. 19). God did not take Israel down the easy path but down one that looked impossible, to demonstrate His power.

>> As believers today, we have even more reason to hope! God has met our deepest needs in Christ. Take a few minutes today and join the Psalmist in reflecting on God’s mighty acts; praise Him for what He has done (vv. 12–15).

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We praise You for Your mighty deeds! You are the Waymaker, the Miracle Worker, the God who saves. We worship You for Your mighty acts and extol You for the power You have displayed in our lives!

You are the God who performs miracles.Psalm 77:14

About the Author

Ryan Cook

Dr. Ryan Cook has taught at Moody Bible Institute since 2012.

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