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God’s general call to each of us is to love, follow, and obey Him. But sometimes He communicates a more specific calling—to a specific person at a specific time and for a specific purpose. At the end of Genesis 11, we are introduced to Sarai as Abram’s wife. The only description is this: “Sarai was childless because she was not able to conceive” (v. 30). This status is significant for her story, given the covenant call that God would place on Abram’s life.
Abram’s father Terah took Abram, Sarai, and Lot on a journey from Ur of the Chaldeans toward Canaan. But along the way, they settled in Harran (v. 31). Immediately after Terah’s death, at age 205, Abram’s call comes: “Go from your country, your people, and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing” (12:1–3).
It was a beautiful promise—one that came with care, protection, and favor. But it also required sacrifice. Abram and Sarai had to leave all that was familiar and walk by faith into uncertainty. Abram left—“as the Lord had told him” (v. 4)—and set out from Haran. Great risk and effort were involved in his obedience. This was a month-long journey of 500 miles into unknown and potentially dangerous territory—with his wife and nephew, their people, and possessions. At a pit stop at Shechem, God gave Abram a glimpse of what was to come, sharing a bit more of His plan—“To your offspring, I will give this land” (v. 7). In response, Abram stopped and built an altar to keep himself and Sarai and their clan focused on the Lord.
>> How is God calling you today? Consider ways you can keep focused on Him and His plans, even if obeying means risk or sacrifice.
Father, we don’t want anything that you have not chosen for us. We take our uncertainties, our fears, and our desires before you and ask for your peace and guidance; accomplish your purposes in our lives.