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My pastor’s wife makes custom signs that I’ve placed in almost every room of our house. Over the piano, I have a large sign of Matthew 22:37. On the mantel is the word “hesed.” And over my kitchen sink is Philippians 4:4. I think it’s important to keep Scripture before our eyes and on our minds. These signs remind me, my husband, our children, and our guests of what God has done and that He is the one we serve.
When Joshua was a new leader, the Lord told him to take one man from each tribe into the Jordan River. Each man took a stone from the river, and Joshua used the stones to build a monument of remembrance. Joshua told the people, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground’” (Josh. 4:21–22).
In today’s passage, God reminded the Israelites of what He had done for them. First, God had brought them out of Egypt (v. 4), and He alone was deserving of their devotion. Israel had only one God and Savior, and He was jealous of their love. Second, God had cared for them in the wilderness (v. 5). The conditions were harsh, the heat unbearable. Yet God led them—by fire and cloud. He gave them daily manna and water. Third, God had blessed them in the Promised Land (v. 6). There they had been satisfied with milk and honey, brooks and barley . . . and there they forgot God. He had warned them that this might happen. The final verses communicate a seemingly sudden and violent shift (vv. 7–11). The full anger of God is finally unleashed. But more on that tomorrow.
>> Comfort can cause us to forget. What concrete act of remembering can you engage in today? Perhaps there is a Bible verse that you need to keep in a visible place to remind you of God’s promises.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father” (James 1:17). May we cling to You even in comfort, take refuge in You even in peace, and seek Your guidance even when things seem clear.