Daily DevotionalMay 20, 2022

Daily Devotional | Loved by God

Psalm 136

When I put my children to bed at night, I remind them that I love them. They already know this. I have told them thousands of times. But the repetition has a purpose. I want them to know that they are loved and that my love for them has not changed.

In today’s reading, the Psalmist repeats the same line 26 times. This could be because the psalm was originally sung antiphonally with a worship leader singing the first line and the congregation the second. But there is more significance to it than that. The repeated line is “His love endures forever.” The word “love” used here communicates “commitment” or “faithfulness.” Just like the line repeats again and again, the Psalmist is emphasizing that God is not going to give up on His people.

God’s unfailing love is celebrated through His amazing works. Some- times we need to be reminded of what God has done. God is the Creator. He made the sun, moon, and stars (vv. 5–9). When we gaze at the night sky, we are humbled by its immensity and power. But for God it is simply one of the many things He made. In the ancient world, most people believed that the sun, moon, and stars were gods to be worshiped. This hymn reminds Israel that they are objects that God created for His own purpose.

God is our Redeemer. This hymn celebrates God’s deliverance of Israel from bondage (vv. 10–15). God’s redemption did not stop there. The New Testament proclaims that through Jesus, we have been redeemed from our slavery to sin and death (Rom. 6:17–18). God is our Provider. He loves us by providing our daily bread both physically and spiritually (vv. 23–25).

>> Before you finish your devotional time, join with the Psalmist in praising God. Sing to Him or thank God for His enduring love. Go forward today knowing that you are loved by God who created, redeemed, and continually provides for you.

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We praise You, the Ruler above all politicians—Your love endures forever. We praise You, the Power over all diseases—Your love endures forever. We praise You, the God beyond time—Your love endures forever.

His love endures forever.

About the Author

Ryan Cook

Dr. Ryan Cook has taught at Moody Bible Institute since 2012.

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