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Thanks and Praise

  • Nov 2019 Issue
Monthly Issues

This season of Thanksgiving is a wonderful background to study this month’s topic, Thanks and Praise. We at Today in the Word are especially grateful for you, our friends and readers across the country and around the world. It’s a special privilege for us to study the Bible together and to encourage each other in our journey with Christ.

This month, we’ll read about gratitude and praise, grace and hope, forgiveness and blessings, resting in God and making things right. We’ll see how our “attitude of gratitude” opens our hearts to God’s love, His grace, and His Word. We’ll explore the connection between thanking God and praising Him, and we’ll trace the way from praising God to bringing glory to His name. Finally, we’ll see that a life of humble service is an act of glorifying God.

We pray this month’s study with Today in the Word will fill you with thankfulness. May you experience God’s grace, love, and joy as you serve Him. Thank you for being a part of our work for Christ! Thank you for reflecting God’s goodness and grace by your support of this ministry. Happy Thanksgiving!

Elena Mafter, Senior Editor


Managing Editor: Jamie Janosz; Senior Editor: Elena Mafter; Contributing Editor: John Koessler; Writer: Chris Rappazini; Art Director: Lynn Gabalec; Graphic Designers: Larry Bohlin, Rachel Hutcheson; Marketing & Production: Paul B. Currie

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